Tuesday, 21 June 2016


We have been playing some  drama games. We used our actions and facial features to act. There were a few props we chose from to act with. Watch our video. Can you guess what we were acting?

We started off working individually and then worked collaboratively to act. We were building our collaborative muscles.

Drama from tracey hill on Vimeo.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Wig Wednesday

Wig Wednesday on PhotoPeach

We have been creating wigs to support Wig Wednesday. We are all making our own individual wigs and will wear them on Wednesday to show our support and how much we care. 

Wig Wednesday is to raise money and support families who have a child fighting cancer. Please bring along a gold coin donation. 

Friday, 17 June 2016


We are exploring perspective in art. We know that when objects are close they are bigger and darker in colour but when objects get further away they are smaller and lighter in colour or shade.

We have been busy creating different interpretations using a variety of media; oil pastels, acrylic and water paints and coloured pencils.

We are learning about horizon lines and mid points or vanishing lines.

Check out these clever artists creations

We used our refining learning muscle to revisit our art many times and make changes as we practised new skills. 

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Procedure Writing

We have been creating instructions to share our learning in science. We know that instructions need to give the reader all the details they need to create something or undertake a procedure. Quality instructions explain what tools or equipment are needed and give clear, detailed steps to follow.

To hook the reader into our writing we used questions, alliteration or interesting vocabulary. Then we shared some facts from our science learning.

We used some success criteria to create quality instructions so readers can create their own science experiments from our writing.

WALT write instructions for the reader to follow
Success Criteria
Give an explanation about how the instructions will help you (introduction)
Write an equipment or ingredients list
Begin each instruction with a verb (an action word)
Use specific vocabulary
Order instructions so they are easy to follow

Check out these quality instructions;

Author Kieron
Have you ever seen a revolting  mould in the bathroom or a shower or on food? Blue vein cheese is made out of mould.  Slime mould does a important job. Vitamin D supplements help fight mould allergies. Mould will not eat a happy meal! Mould in school cause sickness. Silame is made out of mould. Some mould is good and some mould is toxic! Mould is a fungus related to mushrooms. Mould is a cousin to mushrooms.

Fair experiment:
In science you need to have a fair experiment that means you need 1 change in your experiment.

What you need to grow mould:
  • cheese,bread,orange, mandarin or feijoa.(no meat or fish). Use one type of food.
  • 3 plastic bags or containers
  • 3 labels
  • Permanent marker
  • Somewhere safe to put the samples.

How to grow mould:
For testing air
  1. Get 3 piece of food ( same type of food )
  2. Write on the labels what you are testing. One label  has no air, one label has some air and the other label has lots of air.
  3. Stick the labels on a plastic bag or a container
  4. Poke holes in the some air  bag
  5. Put 1 piece of food in each bag or container
  6. On the no airbag you you need to zip the bag or seal the container
  7. On the some airbag you zip the bag or seal the container
  8. Place the 3 containers in a safe place to grow mould
  9. Make some signs to let people know how to be safe around mould
  10. Wait for 1 or 2 weeks and watch carefully to see the changes

Author Olivia


Have you got an annoying brother or sister that keeps going in your room? If you do there is only one way to stop that problem………………...MOULD! Sure it's yuck and icky wicky but you might not think that after you read these facts on mould
  • They all need moisture to grow and some live in aquatic environments
  • Mould grows from spores, which float around in the air.
  • Slime moulds  are forms of life which live on the rainforest floor, and many other parts of the world. They slither over ground and fallen tree trunks in search of food and eat the bad stuff.
So mould actually helps us, well slime mould does.
Now here is what you need for testing moisture
Helpful tip here: do not pick to mould meat because that can be dangerous.
  • 3 zip lock bags (or container)
  • 3 pieces of food (the same kind of food)
  • 3 labels
Now let's get to HOW TO MAKE MOULD
  1. Get your 3 of the same kind of food
  2. Get your 3 zip lock bags if you don’t have any zip lock bags get 3 plastic containers
  3. Leave one bit of food dry put the dry bit of food into the bag (or container)
  4. One needs to be moist. To make it moist get your hand wet and sprinkle the water on the piece of food and put in bag (or container)
  5. Make one bit of food wet but not too wet and put into bag (or container)
  6. Now place the food on a table and leave for 2 weeks and then check on it
  7. But before you leave it for 2 weeks make a sign saying MOULD IS TOXIC!! Because it is.

So now you know how to make mould (and keep your annoying brother or sister away). But before you go you might want to know more facts on mould. Black bread mold is a common type of fungus.
Black bread mould grows and reproduces the same way that most moulds do.

Author Emma F

My experience about milk

What is your favorite type of drink?
Well mine has to be milk it’s sweet because you can make all sorts of things made out of milk for example butter can be made out of milk by shake shake shaking for a whole twenty minutes  .What do you like milk with ? the most thing that I like wi1th it is with milo and coco pops because in coco pop’s when I eat coco pop’s I always eat the coco pop’s and have a little bit of milk with it so I can drink the chocolate milk at the end. Milk does not just happen to pop into a cow’s they have to eat grass and in the cow’s body it will happen. And it suddenly will make milk I know right that is weird grass out of milk what!. Milk can make ice cream and this is how you make it.   

. Crushed ice.
. 30y of white sugar .
. Half of milk.
. 2 cups of salt.
. small sealable plastic bag and a big one.
. cup
. ice cream container

How to make vanilla ice cream
1. Grab the freezing ice and put it into a big sealable plastic bag.
2.Put the salt into the big sealable plastic bag to make the ice go colder.
3. Put milk into a small sealable plastic bag.
4. Add two teaspoons of white sugar placed in with the milk.
5. Place a quarter of the cap of vanilla essence in the  a small snack bag with the milk and the two teaspoons of sugar.
7.  Place the small sealable plastic bag into the big sealable plastic bag .
8. Shake shake shake until the milk and vanilla essence get’s hard for about 20 minutes.
Now you are done making your ice cream  you can munch it all in your mouth. If it was salty we are twins because my group done the accident because we didn’t close the small sealable plastic bag when we shaking and it taste salty . Hopefully the accident doesn't happen to you because it would of been a waist (waste) of your parent’s money or your money and also you would feel so disappointed.

Author Claire

Do you like milk? I know I do. Did you know that milk is used in a heap of products like… Milkshakes, Smoothies, coffee, tea, Yogurt, butter and ice cream. Speaking of ice cream today I am going to teach you how to make your own homemade Vanilla ice cream but first this is what you will need…

Ingredients             Equipment
  •  30g sugar                                                  1. 2 ziplock bags 1 small one 1 big one
  • ½ a Cup of milk                                           2. 1 tablespoon
  • ½ a bag of crushed ice                               3. An old ice cream container
  • 2 cups of salt                                               4. A cup
  • Quarter of a cap of Vanilla  essence

  1. Pour frozen ice  into large ziplock bag.
  2. Tip salt into the large ziplock with ice to make it go colder.
  3. Put the zip lock bag with ice and salt into an old empty container carefully so it doesn't break all the ice up.   
  4.  Grab the smaller ziplock bag and pour milk into it slowly.
  5. Pour the  sugar and half a cup of vanilla essence in slowly and then mix it all up.
  6. Put the small bag into large bag of ice and salt and secure it tightly.
  7. Shake it for about 1 minute after that look inside and see if you’ve made ice cream if not carry on shaking. It should look like creamy white and feel squishy and solid.
  8. Open the bags up and eat!

Hope you enjoy your scrumptious ice cream!
And if you want to change the flavor you could put

chocolate chips into it to make it a chocolate flavor!   

Author Sky
Do you like milk? I do. Did you know you can use milk to make, banana milkshakes and chocolate and ice cream? Speaking of ice-cream I am going to teach you how to make your own homemade ice-cream.

2 zip lock bags (1 large 1m small)
You need 30g of sugar
1 cups of salt
2 cups of milk
¼ of a cap of vanilla essence

How to make homemade ice-cream
  1. Pour ice carefully into the large zip lock bag
  2. Tip the salt into the large zip lock bag with the ice (the salt makes the ice colder)
  3. Pour the milk into the smaller ziplock bag
  4. Add 30g of white sugar into the small ziplock bag
  5. Drip half a Cap of vanilla essence in the small zip lock bag  
  6. Zip both of the zip lock bags up and violently shake the large zip lock bag
  7. Ete the delicious ice-cream

The ice -cream is so good you might want to make 2 packets! You should put some good toppings on it.serve it up in a delicious way.

Author Ashley
I woke up in the morning and searched around for a bag of bread. In the cupboard I found lots of ingredients for yummy food. Time to do some bread cooking. I wonder what you need to cook bread.  Did you know Yeast helps the bread rise? One of the most important ingredients is flour.   

Have you ever made bread before?

1 ⅓ cup of flour
1 Tbsp sugar
1 teaspoon of yeast  
½ cup warm water not hot
1 tsp oil

1 Blend the flour, sugar and yeast together in a bowl.
2  Pour in the oil and the water stir for one minute.
3 Check if your dough is sticky ( if not sticky add a bit more water.)
4 Combine for 5 minutes.  
5 Spray the bench with cooking spray and flatten the dough on the bench.
6 Knead the dough firmly until it is smooth (don’t over knead.)        
7 Shape the dough into a fun shape so it’s ready to go into the oven.
8 Cover with towel for 25 minutes to let it rise.
9 Preheat the oven  to 175 degrees.
10 Bake for 25 minutes or until the dough is golden.

Author Chris

Once it was a rainy day and I said to mum “can we make some bread”.
“Why?”. “Because I am bored and I can’t go outside”. “Ok then Chris. We have the ingredients ah. “Yeah I’m sure we have all the ingredients”. Bread rises when yeast and sugar are combined together. Yeast reacts with sugar and puts a type of air called carbon dioxide this air fills up the dough and that is how the bread rises. Also bread rises when you put baking powder and baking soda in. Did you know if you combine hot water with yeast you actually deactivate the yeast and the bread doesn’t rise that is why you only use warm water.


1 cup of flour
1 Tbsp (tablespoon) of white sugar
1 tsp (teaspoon) of oil
½ cup of warm not hot water
1 teaspoon of yeast

1.Combine all the dry ingredients and mix well for one minute to make sure they are all mixed in.
2.Add the oil and the warm water but not hot water.
3.Stir the mixture well for five minutes.
4.Make sure the dough is sticky.
5.walk away for 30 mins to let it rise.
6.Put the dough in the oven at 200 degrees celsius.
7. Leave the dough in the oven for 35 minutes to make it golden and moist.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


Isabelle ironing her sewing
Listen to this audioboom to hear a story explaining Matariki.

We are celebrating Matariki (Maori New Year). Matariki is a time for new beginnings and spending time with friends and whanau (today we were with our Totara Whanau). We have been involved in new experiences, sharing knowledge and learning together and having lots of fun.

Kasaiyah with her putiputi

A sewing star

Cahlia placing her 7 Matariki stars
Beau and Charlotte painting the waka
we are all into together and the house trees

Chefs Lachlan and Hunt preparing our kai

Claire and Kayla making us delcious kai
Wow, Katie used her perseverance muscles today

Looks delicious

Keisha so focused
Yum, lunch

Working together to make the kites