Water Slide - Kizoa Video Editor - Movie Maker
My biggest challenge was the Fear Factor challenge, it was mainly teaching us not to say I don't like this food before we try it. At the end we had a race. In the race we had to eat one whole dry weetbix, we had no milk to wash it down. It felt like there was a whole lot of sand and dust in our mouths. Mrs H made up really yucky storyies about what we were going to eat. She said that coconut milk was snake blood and that it was chunky because the snake had blood clots. The person who finished first won a lollie. Zackery won the race he just shoved it in his mouth. Even though I didn't win the weetbix race I still got a lollie because Mrs H said I did very good and I tryed (tried) most of them. After the Fear Factor challenge there was a yucky taste in my mouth. I would like to thank all the parents that took time off work to come to camp and the teachers for organising the camp for us. Faith
Something I liked at camp was playing fear factor because I didn't know what I was going to eat because we were blind folded with a black blind fold so it was pitch black like at midnight.I liked a couple of the fear factor foods but my last one was crunchy and it was a vegetable, I hated it so I spat it out and screamed "yuck"!!!! Beau
Camp Omatua was realy fun even in the rain but we were having too much fun too even feel a drop. I really enjoyed playing in the bamboo forest with my friends, it is so awesome in there. There is so much fun to be had. There is a little wooden hut on the side of the bamboo forest.My friends and I were playing hide and go seek. Tyler
Something that challenged me was the food factor challenge because I was blindfolded and I don't like eating food that I don't know what it is. Mrs H tricked me because she told me that I had to eat pooops. I was worried but she told me I had to eat it so I put my finger in the cup and I scooped up some and put it in my mouth. I realised it was melted chocolate because it taste sugary. I was relieved that it wasn't poo!That would have made me spew up! Joshua
My Biggest challenge at camp was walking to the toilet in the middle of the night with on person, Camden the toilet was on the other side of the paddock. We looked behind us every five seconds but we made it! Another challenge was trying to not puke when I ate the jalapeno in the Fear Factor challenge but sadly my mission failed! Max
Another thing that challenged me was the water slide that the teachers and parents made it challenged me because it was hard on my bottom but apart from that it was good. Some people like Beau and Ollie went down like a rocket apart from me I went down as slow as a nanny driving a car. Emma B
My achievement was build a bamboo house. It was fun as we had bamboo and tape to build it. We
were the closest team to do it. That is my achievement what is yours? Oliver
Something that challenged me was definitely fear factor because I had to eat a gherkin that I thought that was a slimy slug that was still alive. Campbell
At camp I tried something new: Tubing. I was not sure what your supposed to do so felt a bit scared, just in case the river was a bit too fast and I was touched by an eel. Carefully I walked into the shallow water hoping there was no eel about, but when I started rocking down the stream I did not feel a eel or see an eel. Tubing is fun because you get to float down the stream. When I got close to the tree Mrs Hill gave me a push so I didn't bang into the tree. Jada
We had an amazing time at Camp Omatua and Weka Point. Please read our individual blogs find out more about our experiences.
Cool pictures and reflections about camp guys, looks like you all had a blast!